while i'm busy playing around with ma' facebook, suddenly i remember, 'hei, i think it's a perfect time to update my suppatank! now', as i'm looking at my favorite book field in facebook.

diu! man, since i arrived here and begin working back (next time i will apply to work in Roding,Gemany) on Monday this week, a lot of work starting to banging in my medula oblagata, have to do everything, software programing, electronic design, sourcing for CHEAPEST product, argh! i'm just a cleaner there! god!

so,enough of yelling and screaming about workplace.

erm, in order to make myself in control again, i'm starting to draft the suppatank volume.....volume....aaaaaa! forgot already! sheisse! it's ok. just keep yer finger crossed, i WILL try to finish this during my FREE time.

till then,
